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Susan's Blog

Gagged Mind: An Exhibit with my Stasi File in Germany

I and my Stasi file are currently featured in a museum exhibit at University of Rostock, Germany: "Geknebelter Geist: Politische Überwachung und Verfolgung an der Rostocker Universität 1945 bis 1989/90" [""Gagged Mind. Political Surveillance and Persecution at the University of Rostock 1945-1989/90"]. Section: "Unter Kontrolle: Auslandsbeziehungen" ["Under Control: Foreign Relationships"]. Here is a rough translation: "Susan Signe Morrison came to Rostock in 1985 as a student at Brown University and was certain that she would be under surveillance. The elite university in Providence was established as an "Enemy object" placed under special observation as a result of the foreign reconnaissance of the MfS Rostock district administration. Susan Morrison acted as a tutor during an English language internship in Rostock. She recommended that two students from the GDR write articles for a wall newspaper about the USSR. They recently studied there on exchange. Articles about the role of women and alcoholism led to harsh discussions. Susan Morrison defended the students and freedom of expression. She objected to the removal of the articles by Professor Horst Höhne. This reported by IM [unofficial collaborator or informer for the Stasi] "Georg" about the incident. The MfS set up an operational identity check (OPK) on the students. The Stasi wanted to prove that they had succumbed to Susan Morrison's negative Western influence. That didn't work. The Stasi strategy of disciplining them through public condemnation was more successful. According to the IM, they were reserved during the following internship in Kharkov, Ukraine (now Kharkiv)."

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